Set on the beautiful island of Capri in Italy, this book will transport you to this sunny destination. It’s an easy, fun book to read with plenty of romance and great characters. You’ll definitely be inspired to visit Capri in Italy after reading this book review of I love Capri by Belinda Jones.
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Overview of I love Capri by Belinda Jones
A book review of I love Capri by Belinda Jones is a joy to write, because I found this book really enjoyable to read. It’s not a challenging book, but it’s got some really lovely characters, beautiful descriptions of the Italian island of Capri, and also some good character development.
This book follows the story of Kim. Kim is a translator, but for the last few years she has barely left home, instead just working from home, broken hearted from a break up, being concerned about her weight, and generally just not living the life she’d dreamed of. I found Kim really relatable. I think there are a lot of us who had big dreams when we were young of an exotic lifestyle travelling the world, but by the time we get to our mid/late twenties, we’re struggling a bit just to pay the bills and keep a job.
The move to Capri
Kim’s mum persuades her to come to the island of Capri to help with a business venture. Kim’s relationship with her mum is strained at first, as she struggles to accept her mum’s past infidelity. She’s reluctant to embrace her new life in Capri and just wants to go home.
However, Kim starts to meet people in Capri, and the magic of the island starts to grow on her. One of the people she meets is a man called Luca. She falls in love with him, and there are some magical scenes where they have romantic dates around the beautiful island. The descriptions in the book really make you feel like you’re there with them.
However, there’s an interesting twist to the plot. Luca is married with a son. The theme of infidelity runs through this book. Through Kim’s affair with Luca, she starts to change her mind about her mum’s past infidelity. Kim realises that she judged her mother too much without fully understanding the situation, and their relationship becomes much closer. But she must still decide whether to stay with Luca or not.
If you’d like to read this book, click on this link or the picture below to buy it from Amazon (affiliate).
The best parts of this book
Descriptions of Capri, Italy
For me, the best part of this book was the beautiful descriptions of the island of Capri. So many scenes are set in some of the great destinations, like the blue grotto. It’s the perfect book to read if you’re planning a trip to Italy, as it just makes you excited to go there.
Learning to adventure again
I also thought the character development in this book was good as well. I could really relate to Kim in the early pages. She’d been hurt and she’d lost her way in life. She used to dream of travel, but the hardships of life have broken her spirit. I think this quote sums up her feelings, and so many of us can relate to this:
‘This is why I stopped travelling: it makes you aware of all the possibilities in life, and sometimes it’s just too exhausting to even contemplate them. Anyway, adventure is overrated. It stirs up your dreams, your hopes, your expectations. It makes you feel things can be different, but in my experience you are left feeling even more disappointed than before’
I love Capri, Belinda Jones, p62
However, throughout the book, Kim opens herself up to adventure again. And she falls in love with her old self again. Yes, she also falls in love with a man and it’s partly because of him. But there’s still an element of discovering herself again and embracing adventure again that I really love about this book. It really reminds me why I love to travel. I agree with that quote in a way – adventure and travel can be exhausting. But it can also be beautiful, and it can help you fall in love with life again, and fall in love with yourself, just the way you are. I really hope that all women who are struggling like Kim was at the beginning of the book can find their love for themselves and for adventure again, like Kim did.
Changing relationships and judgements
I also like the changing relationship between Kim and Kim’s mum in this book. Navigating a mother/daughter relationship as an adult can be challenging. But throughout the book, Kim opens up and becomes less judgemental towards her mum. Their relationship at the end is really lovely. Reading this book makes me realise that so many people are so quick to judge others. The theme of infidelity is a complicated one, and some people may think Kim is wrong to be with Luca. But it helps teach her that things are rarely as black and white as she used to think. And in turn, that helps her relationship with her mother as she’s less judgemental.
Would I recommend I Love Capri by Belinda Jones?
I really enjoyed reading this book so I’d definitely recommend it. It’s an easy read, and relaxing. It’s the type of book you can read on the beach in Italy in one go. But I know some people might not be so keen on it. It’s not high-brow literary fiction that challenges perceptions of the world or anything like that. And some parts could be considered a bit boring, as there’s not a huge amount of plot in some parts. If you’re looking for an action packed thriller, this book is not for you. But if you’re looking for a book with beautiful descriptions of Italy, characters you can become fond of, and a book that inspires you to seek out adventures again – then I think you’ll enjoy it.
If you like the sound of this book, buy yourself a copy for this weekend here! (affiliate)
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